Monday, July 29, 2013

Tenth Monday after Pentecost, Proper 12, Nightmares Become Better

Lessons: Psalm 56, 57, 58; 2 Samuel 2:1-11; Acts 15:36-16:5; Mark 6:14-29

King Herod heard of it, for Jesus' name had become known. Some were saying, "John the baptizer has been raised from the dead; and for this reason these powers are at work in him."  But others said, "It is Elijah." And others said, "It is a prophet, like one of the prophets of old." But when Herod heard of it, he said, "John, whom I beheaded, has been raised." Mark 6:14-16

Being at the top can be pretty nervous making.  So it seems was the case with Herod.  There were in fact a number of Herods like there were a number of Henrys and Georges on the British throne.  Only this Herod was pretty unsure he could maintain the top so he had a habit of offing people he thought might stand in his way.  Even his sons he killed to protect his place.  That is the definition of paranoid (perhaps with cause) and ethically challenged all at once.  It seems he married his match in Herodias and she is schooling her daughter in the same lost set of ethics.  The top is the top, enjoy it at all costs.  You may not always enjoy it but you can manufacture your own nightmares.  Herodias’ were a marriage that violated Jewish law, a prophet who spoke his mind and the disapproval of “a higher authority”, God, a beheading that was to get even, and people who just kept talking. 

Herod who married her was none the more comfortable.  Was Jesus now John come back to haunt him?  Was this the nightmare of judgment he so dreaded?  Yes, thought Herod.  But no, he was a source of Godly thought and presence that felt like John come back to pick his conscience.   You cannot off a prophet to please your lust-raising daughter and later off your sons and expect to feel that life is fine all the time.  Someone will always arise with a deep ethic and not necessarily speak to you, but trouble you with the choice of good living in them that you keep missing.  On your best days you can have all sorts of entertainments that make you feel pleasure and that life is good but there are always the opposite days…or nights…or nightmares.

I guess every Bernie Madoff has his day.  I digress but could you have a better name as a thief?

And if John the Baptist raised isn’t the answer and instead it is Elijah the prophet who precedes the coming of the Messiah and the full judgment of God, well that is no better.  You are soon going to be out of a job and meeting your maker with some eternal review before you…or just empty nothingness for eternity.  Which would be better?

And the surreal piece is yet to come when Herod will join in the judging of Jesus and will help hang him on the very day he becomes friends with Pilate, another man striving for a top place.  And Herod will find that this one does rise from the dead and good people will follow Jesus and thus keep troubling the world of getting to the top at all costs just because good will not die away.

Good is meant to trouble us into better choices.  Often those better choices may trim in our striving for “the top” or easy answers to tough choices.  And even when we look back and find that this good measures the wrong choices we have made, Jesus stands resurrected to say, “start again.” Look over your shoulder; acknowledge what has gone wrong and your role in it. Ask forgiveness. Make amends, restitution if you can.  Go forward with the desire and intention to “sin no more.”  Do your best and stay willing to review.  Dream a kinder life into being by doing what is good or better.

You may still have some nightmares.  This is the psyche cleaning house. But these are seldom nightmares that walk about in the day like your past rising to accuse you.  Yet if they are, make amends.  Replace them with daydreams of what is better.  You are worthy of forgiveness and you will be surprised how often it is waiting for your genuine good taken up.

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