Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday after Pentecost: Opportunity verses Taking Advantage

There are biblical laws we do not practice anymore. Yet at one time they were necessary for the well being of Israel.  One of these laws is the law of "Levirate marriage".  Under this law if a man dies with no male heir it is the duty of his next of kin to take in marriage the dead man's wife and raise up a son to the deceased man.  There is a further ramification here.  Women could not inherit.  So any land rightfully belonging to the deceased man would be held for his son. The above mentioned marriage would make this land useful to the new husband until the son is born and can inherit or use it. If the land has been previously sold and come on the market the original family of ownership has first option.  It is the duty of the "Levirite husband" to procure it if possible.

All this forms the context for the Book of Ruth and Ruth and Naomi themselves. The family lands are about to be sold. There is no immediate living male heir. Then Naomi and Ruth will be fully destitute.

Naomi helps Ruth understand the possibility before her. A son might provide for them in their old age. Boaz has been kindly intentioned to Ruth and has a right of inheritance. The right actions on Ruth's part of returned interest might spur him to fulfill the needed levirate marriage.  As he rests after a full day's work, the influence of wine might lower his defenses.  She is to go to him as he rests and  "Uncovering his feet" which is a euphemism for his genitals. He might then do his duty.

The beauty in this story is the honorable nature of Boaz.  He knows there is a closer kin who holds the right to the marriage and the inheritance. So while he is flattered that the beautiful Ruth has come to an older man, he will not take advantage of her vulnerable state. He will clarify tomorrow if the nearer relation will do his duty.  For now he cares for her reputation.  "But got up before one person could recognize another; for he said, ‘It must not be known that the woman came to the threshing-floor.’" Ruth 3:14   He sends her home with a gift to Naomi thus further honoring the family. 

This part of Ruth's story reminds us that our character is built when we do an honorable thing.  Ruth and Naomi may seem to us opportunistic.  Perhaps the truth is they are wisely seeking their rights and needs.  After all Naomi says to Ruth that she must let Boaz decide the best actions, "When he lies down, observe the place where he lies; then, go and uncover his feet and lie down; and he will tell you what to do." Ruth 3:4

Boaz is completely honorable protecting Ruth's reputation, giving a gift of honor and care.  He reminds us to choose wisely when we could just chose from our self interest.  We care for ourselves when we guide wisely those of whom we might take advantage.  And we care for them.  Thus a worthy life is built.

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