Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter: You never know

Perhaps one of the hardest lessons we have to learn as people of faith is that we never know who is groping for God.  Who is looking for depth but doing so silently, quietly, shyly. Sometimes people are almost too afraid there is nothing, to let their quest be seen in the light.  Some of us have personalities that are introverted and in an extroverted world our needs are overlooked, not seen often.  We do not cry out loudly.  Some have been push aside by the habits of life such that they do not articulate their needs for others to disregard yet again. So we do best to assume all are looking for God and wholeness.  We do best to assume God is looking for them.  All that is needed is the right occasion, the right moment, the right agent for the reach from both directions to become a touch.

In today's Gospel there is the confident Ja'irus who comes asking for his daughter's life, her healing.  He walks through life expectant of a God's response and from this confidence he approaches Jesus.  His confidence is well placed, for Jesus responds by following this ruler of the synagogue home. Only, he will come to need a deeper healing than expected.

On the way there is one who has every reason to approach silently with the faint hope that perhaps a healing may come.  So many have taken away her money, her confidence, her place in society and given no wholeness in return. Yet here she is, considered too unclean by the constant flow of blood to be in society, in male society, hoping that maybe this time... The miracle is double here.  Healing comes immediately.  She would be content just to disappear back into the crowd with her question, "Can this be real?"

Then the question, "Who touched me?"  The question itself is almost a miracle because surely many have brush up against Jesus, too many to notice, his disciples think.  Yet here hope, almost faith, has drawn forth power from Jesus and he notices.  What is it now for her to be noticed when so many past noticings were either for shame or for naught?

When the woman saw that she could not remain hidden, she came trembling; and falling down before him, she declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed.  He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace." Luke 8:47-48

Here is the second miracle, her faith has been honored, her journey to hope in God's care when the blood said "cursed." The crowd would say cursed.  The faith tradition would say cursed.  But God in Jesus says, "Your faith has made you well."

We never know who is groping for God.  We never know who is holding to either a lifeline of faith or a thin thread that faith may be somewhere to be had.  We do best to assume that wherever there is life and person there are two reachings.  One is from this earthly plain.  The other is from God who has made us hungry for what lasts and is core, an image of God within looking to mirror back its creator.

Be care-filled since you never know if you will be mistaken for the hem of his garment. Maybe you will be the one to notice and to pass power, the power of one image bearer to another, one hopeful person to another.  There is no telling what this may do for your faith.  Sometimes the power comes from both directions.

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